Thursday, July 30, 2015

3 Inconveniences of Breastfeeding

Hellooo, All the Mommies!

Today, we're going to complain about what makes breastfeeding inconvenient - Yes, it has a plethora of benefits, but it is darn annoying sometimes. We'll lament those times today. Feel free to chime in if you have a good story!

  1. If you're going anywhere

    It doesn't matter where. Church on Sunday morning, your parents' house on a weeknight, out to eat with friends, a family get-together... You have to make sure to bring the goods to keep the milk flowing, whether that's a baby or a pump. You have to bring a cover, you have to bring cloths, you have to get good at putting your clothes back together when you can't see what you're doing, or even with only one hand (if the baby falls asleep)
  2. If you are around other people

    There are a very few people who I can just sit down and breastfeed around. My husband, my mom and a couple of my close female friends (who incidentally recently had babies). Anyone else means I have to break out the cover (which Mr. B hates and when I use it, it looks like I'm wrestling with a baby alligator under there) OR I have to seclude myself in a separate room.
  3. If you want to do something else

    I don't know about all the rest of you mommies, but Mr. B has an uncanny ability to be extremely clingy right around the time I get myself all ready to wash dishes or fold laundry or you know... be a good homemaker and wife in general. I hate to hear him crying, because I know part of it is that he's been at daycare all day and just plain misses me.

    Or MAYBE he hates a clean house... Who knows?
Let me know if you have another story of breastfeeding inconveniences! Just because it's inconvenient doesn't mean we won't do it! I know I missed a lot of them, but I'd love to hear from you!

Mommy Midge

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

3 causes of an inefficient milk factory: an addendum

Hey, All the Mommies!

In my last post, I discussed 3 causes of reduced production (in my experience). I left out a big one, and it cracks me up because I always forget about it and then can't figure out what is making me inefficient.

Cause number 4:

Menstruating hormones. They don't play well with lactating hormones. I don't really know the names of the hormones or exactly how they work, but I imagine they are like opposites and work against each other. This is why if you're breastfeeding, it may be a while before your first period after baby comes.

So if you are gearing up for a period, you might notice a drop in milk. For example, during my last, I dropped from 8 oz to 6 oz during my morning pumping at 10:30. It made laugh when I started because for the couple of preceding days, I was trying to get extra sleep, I was making sure to NEVER drink caffeine and nothing was helping and it's easy to get frustrated when that happens. For me, personally, I always feel like I'm losing my ability to provide for Mr. B (which is important to me, since he goes to daycare while I'm at work).

At times like that, it does help to remember that drops like that are temporary and after a few more days, I'll level back out at 12-14 oz take-home every day.

Keep bringing the milk, Mommies!
Mommy Midge